In the so-called ordinary procedure we proceed with the claim for damages against the liable party. The claim is based on the principle of general liability in tort.
The harmful event is not intentional but caused by negligence, carelessness or inexperience. The records are very broad and extend from the person falling to the ground due to the failure, as example, of the cleaning company to display wet floor warning signs. Another example is the damage caused to persons or property due to the careless animals supervision especially in public places.

As a rule, the obligation to compensate for the damage lies with the person who caused it, with the exception of the owner's and client's responsibility.
This is the case of impairment caused by the employee in the performance of the duties entrusted to him/her, in which case the employer is liable.
The firm Fontana & Fontana takes care of submitting the claim for damages, preparing the file, and carrying out the appropriate investigations, which may be general or specific if they require certain technical skills. We then provide for the quantification of damages, which may be either in specific form, i.e. the restoration of the pre-existing situation, or the quantification of pecuniary damage, i.e. damage susceptible of economic evaluation, or non-pecuniary damage, consisting in the physical or psychic sufferings of the injured party.
The professionalism we have achieved allows us to quantify fair compensation within a short time frame with the respect of everyone: from the heads of damage that build up a compensation both pecuniary and/or non-pecuniary to the correct quantification of biological damage which is considered as injury, to the person's psycho-physical integrity up to the relative personalisation of the damage.