This is the branch that deals with the compensation of any damage in the field of road traffic.
With 20 years of experience, Studio Fontana & Fontana offers assistance in all types of accident:

Accidents, on Italian territory, between two or more motor vehicles identified and insured for mandatory third party liability, resulting in damage to the vehicles involved or their drivers.
By way of example but not limited to: a vehicle stopped in a column due to heavy traffic that collides with the vehicle in front of it because it is itself collided with and pushed by the vehicle that, arriving from the rear, notices the column too late;
- vehicle which, when entering a roundabout, fails to give right of way to a vehicle already on the road;
- stationary vehicle suddenly opening the door and/or vehicle entering from a private stall striking the vehicle in regular transit on the carriageway;
- vehicle that in a parking area while manoeuvring collides with a stationary or regularly passing vehicle.
Compensation in favour of transported third parties.
The passenger of a vehicle involved in a traffic accident is entitled to compensation for injuries suffered.
By way of example but not limited to:
- passenger in the vehicle involved in a traffic accident whether the vehicle is right or wrong regardless of the parental relationship.
Accidents abroad with Italian vehicles/Accidents in Italy with foreign vehicles
One of the cardinal principles of the EU is the free movement of persons in the member countries, so it may happen that an Italian citizen travelling with his vehicle abroad or an EU citizen travelling in Italy are involved in a road accident.
In the event of a accident abroad, the user may find himself in greater difficulty since, in addition to the inconvenience of the accident itself (vehicle damage, injuries, etc.), he will have to deal with the bureaucracy of a foreign insurance company in a foreign country.
In the case of an accident in Italy with a foreign vehicle, on the other hand, the user's greatest difficulty may be identifying the company and the procedure to be followed to reach a resolution.
The firm Fontana & Fontana, in both cases, offers its experience and expertise to interact with the foreign insurance by identifying the Italian mandatary in the first case, or by activating the claim management process through Green Card System Bureau in Italy in the second case.
Road Victims Guarantee Fund
The Road Victims Guarantee Fund (FGVS) was set up to provide compensation for damages resulting from road accidents caused, in most cases, by unidentified, uninsured vehicles, which are circulating against the owner's will or vehicles insured with companies placed in compulsory liquidation.
Studio Fontana & Fontana Infortunistica, thanks to the huge experience gained over the years, is able to advise the client, indicating all the steps to be taken in order to submit the procedure in the best possible way.
Mala gestio
Mala Gestio can occur whenever the insurer, when managing the litigation (or in failing to manage it), prejudices the interests of the insured, either through excessive care of its own interests or through negligence and carelessness.
When dealing with Mala Gestio related to car insurance, the insurer is directly liable to the injured party; according to the Supreme Court, this is a liability for delay in the fulfillment of a pecuniary obligation and falls within the discipline for non-performance of the obligation as a result of conduct contrary to diligence and good faith.