accidents at work

The health and safety protection in the workplace concerns the general and common right of the individual to safe living, environmental and working conditions.
The indemnifiability of the accident in terms of insurance coverage by INAIL is independent of the existence of the employer's fault.

We would like to point out that an accident at work is also an 'in itinere' accident, i.e. when involving the worker during the normal commute from home to the place of work and vice versa, or during the way between two workplaces in case the worker has several work relationships. If there is no company's canteen, coverage shall also be considered during the round trip from the place of work to the place where meals are usually taken.

We therefore assist the employee who has suffered a physical injury at work both on the liability action against the employer and on the INAIL's quantification of the injury and on the opposition and/or appeal procedures.

We use medico-legal consultants for the quantification of the biological damage suffered, and experienced engineers with expertise in finding flaws in the working environment's safety systems.